Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Going to Grandma's

Today Caleb and I were hanging out and he said,"want bouncy ball." I said, "We don't have a bouncy ball." Then he remembered that we had played with one while we were at Grandma Sheen's house. He said,"It's at Grandma's house. I go get it." He started walking towards the door. I said, "Bye have a good trip!" (He likes to pretend he is going to work and will put on shoes, take a bag, and drag it to the door as he says bye, so I figured it was going to be like that.) Then he walked over to the door, opened it and started walking down the stairs towards the garage. And that is how we found out that he can open doors. So, after I got over my surprise, I went running after him and told him that he would have to go on an airplane to get to grandma's. :( It was sweet and sad at the same time.

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